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美国大成集团有限公司 & 美国绿蛋农业科技有限公司 简况 




         2008年起,集团组建了专业的团队对美国农牧行业资源、市场、政策等进行了长达三年的实地考察,通过积极的与当地政府及组织交流与合作,确定了大成集团在美国发展农牧产业的十年战略布局,并于2010年在美国加利福尼亚州注册成立了美国GreenEgg Agritech Inc公司,2014年成立了USA DACHENG GROUP CO.,LTD公司,2016年成立了美国功夫鸡食品有限公司及百味食品有限公司,建立在美农牧产业基地并开始探索布局终端消费市场。

 With the increasing competition in the agriculture industry in China, along with the complex production environment and increasing cost, Dacheng is forward looking and changing the strategic landscape.  The Group started to explore the development opportunity in the United States, which has the most advanced, most automated and richest agriculture resources.

 Starting from 2008, the Group has formed a professional team to research the agriculture resource, market and policy in the US for 3 years.  Through cooperation with the local government, Dacheng Group has confirmed the 10 year strategic plan to invest in agriculture business in US.  In 2010, the Group registered and funded GreenEgg Agritech Inc. in US, which is the Group’s agriculture base in US.

       GreenEgg Agritech Inc.及USA Dacheng Group Co.,ltd于2010年加入了加利福尼亚州畜禽养殖协会,成为会员单位,并与美国农业部、加州农业部、养殖协会等组织和机构建立起了良好的合作关系。通过与美国大型集饲料加工、肉鸡屠宰、火鸡孵化于一体的家禽企业ZACKY公司建立战略合作伙伴关系,进一步提升了公司在美国的产业聚合力和社会影响力。

        GreenEgg Agritech Inc.及USA Dacheng Group Co.,ltd现拥有一支经验丰富、思路清晰、技术精湛、务实创新的专业经营团队,带领公司不断的进步和成长。

 GreenEgg Agritech joined the California Poultry Federation in 2010 and became a member of the association.  It has also established a good relationship with U.S Agriculture Department, California Agriculture Department, and the Poultry Association.  Establishing the strategic partnership with ZACKEY Corp., the large feed processing, broiler production and turkey hatching enterprise in the U.S., GreeEgg Agritech has increased its impact to the agriculture industry in the U.S.  The Company employs a team of experienced, sharp, technical and innovative professionals, who are leading the company to further growth.



 Through 5 years hard work, till 2012, the Group has acquired and built 5 large broiler and turkey plants in Tulare, Denair, Oakdale, Gustine, and Newman in California, with annual production of 10 million broilers and turkeys.  It is planning to expand to 10 plants in 2015, and establish upgraded supply chain of hatching, breeding, slaughter and processing plants.  The strategic goal is to become the most influential industry leader in California.

 In the meantime, the other Dacheng sub-divisions in China are working on cooperating and exchanging information with the company in US, leveraging experience and introducing advanced equipments to China.  This helps enhancing the overall technical and management skills in the Group, and accomplishing the Group’s strategic goal.